24 hour support for people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse.
DCJ Funded DFSV Support service covering Bulahdelah, Gloucester, Pacific Palms and Forster
Monday to Friday
If you think a child or young person is at risk of harm from abuse or neglect, contact the Child Protection Helpline on 132 111 (open 24 hours/7 day)
Call 000 in an emergency
National Line 1800 938 227 or 1800 WDVCAS
Always call 000 in an emergency.
DVLOs are specialist police officers trained to provide support and referral in relation to domestic and family violence. Their role is important in developing and maintaining partnerships with other government and non-government agencies for victim support including follow up services, such as refuges.
Most Police Area Commands/Police Districts have one or more DVLOs.
Forster and Taree both have a DVLO to support you with your DFV matters
02 6555 1299
51 Little Street Forster 2428
02 5594 8299
83 Albert Street Taree 2430
(02) 6592 9315
After hours: (02) 6592 9111
Financial Assistance for housing and Housing Support Services.
Temporary Crisis Accommodation
Link2home is the state-wide homelessness information and referral telephone service. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. For information, assessment or referral to homelessness services and support in NSW, call Link2home.
Link2Home Veterans and Ex-Service 1800 326 989
This service supports young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the Great Lakes, Greater Taree and Gloucester areas.
It provides client-centred homelessness support, including prevention and early intervention, rapid rehousing, crisis and transitional accommodation, and intensive responses for clients with complex needs.
My Housing app -(Previously FaCS Housing)
Complete housing applications, social housing waitlist, subsidy products and more
To ensure every Aboriginal person in NSW has equal access to, and choice in, affordable housing. We will achieve this vision by ensuring that we continue to provide support to a sustainable housing sector through accessible, culturally appropriate and affordable housing for the Aboriginal people of NSW.
Services Our Way (SOW) provides culturally appropriate service coordination, support and capacity building for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and families experiencing vulnerability, empowering them to improve their well being and achieve their goals
Brighter Futures support for DFV
Support groups, soup kitchen style food support and more
Financial Assistance for housing and Housing Support Services.
My Housing -(Previously FaCS Housing)
The Rent Choice Start Safely provides short to medium-term financial support for people escaping domestic or family violence. The subsidy helps people secure private rental accommodation so they do not have to return to the violent situation.
DCJ Housing can provide help with the cost of setting up a new private rental tenancy with a Rentstart Bond Loan. A bond loan is interest-free and paid back to DCJ Housing. You may be eligible for a bond loan if you are an Australian citizen and a resident of NSW.
A Bond Extra offers up to $1,500 (including GST) to landlords/agents to cover rental arrears and/or property damage over and above the rental bond. The Bond Extra is valid for the fixed-term period of the tenancy agreement for up to 12 months, or until the tenancy is terminated, whichever is sooner.
Young people aged between 16 and 24 years may be eligible for Rent Choice Youth depending on the area they live in and their income
24 Hour support line for all crisis situations
Victim Services Counselling
A one-off payment if you've experienced an extreme circumstance within last 7 days, such as Domestic or Family Violence and are in severe financial hardship.
The Escaping Violence Payment (EVP) program is available to anyone who is experiencing violence from their partners.
Our case workers can assist with this process.
Victim Services provides counselling, financial support and a recognition payment to victims of a violent crime in NSW. From 1 January 2022, victims of modern slavery can also apply for victims support.
Contact the Victims Access Line for more information.
Aboriginal Contact Line 1800 019 123.
Good Shepherd NILS for Essential Goods and Services for people and families on low incomes to purchase essential goods and services such as fridges, washing machines, car repairs and medical procedures for up to $1,500. Repayments are set at an affordable amount over 12 to 18 months.
Local Service Provider: Forster Neighbourhood Centre 02 6555 4351
Good Shepherd NILS for vehicles for people and families on low incomes to purchase a vehicle for essential use. NILs are available for $2000 – $5000 for the purchase of an essential vehicle.
Local Service Provider: Forster Neighbourhood Centre 02 6555 4351
Support for financial hardship, parenting support, men's workers, Work and Development Orders, NILS loans, support programs and more.
Support for financial hardship, food relief
Salvation Army
7 South Street Tuncurry
Disability Support Services
Mental Health Services
Mental Health Services
Access to Disability Services
Call 000 in an emergency
Call 000 in an emergency
Call 000 in an emergency
Call 000 in an emergency
Call 000 in an emergency
Call 000 in an emergency
National Line 1800 938 227 or 1800 WDVCAS
Financial abuse support
Call 000 in an emergency
Women can! program,
Kids Can! program,
Stroll and roll pram walking group.
iBobbly is specifically designed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who:
are aged 15 years and older, are feeling sad and down might be having thoughts of hurting yourself.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Mental health is like a tree. To stay strong and healthy it needs looking after. You need to take care of the roots of the tree for it to grow tall and stand strong.
Good relationships can make you feel happy and confident. They can help get you through tough times. It’s deadly to share, care, laugh and love with your mob and bond over culture, community, kinship and family.
The Buttery is a not-for-profit, charitable, community based organisation. It is located at Binna Burra near Bangalow in the Byron Bay hinterland in Northern NSW, Australia. The Buttery specialises in the treatment of alcohol and other drug misuse and mental health issues.
Daisy is an app developed by 1800RESPECT to connect people experiencing violence or abuse to services in their local area.
The Arc app enables women experiencing family violence to track details of abusive behaviour by uploading photos, videos, audio and diary entries to create a record of what has happened, when it happened, and how it made them feel.
Penda is a free app for women who have experienced domestic and family violence and are thinking about separation and divorce. It contains financial tips, safety and legal information, and referrals. Separation can be a dangerous time. Rethink downloading this app if you feel unsafe, if your (ex) partner monitors you, or makes you feel scared, intimidated or controlled, or helped to set up your phone, had access to your phone, or has linked email or you share accounts
App to help you meditate and reduce stress
Deadly Tots App contains information for every Aboriginal Family to help their Bub learn and grow
Age specific activities and resources for parents
iBobbly is specifically designed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who: are aged 15 years and older, are feeling sad and down might be having thoughts of hurting yourself.
Copyright © 2024 Great Lakes Womens Shelter - All Rights Reserved.
Worimi Logo designed and Copyrighted by Lara Went Yukul Art 2022